-Design | Branding | Illustration-

An Ethernal Vision of Woven Dreams
The Problem
My team would have to work closely with the head of the department and its’ students to promote the event and to create a look to go with the theme they had created. For this, the client would need the complete design package. This would consist of a logo, posters, T-shirt designs, merchandise for swag bags, way finding, programs, and social media elements(digital screens, social media posts, and hero images). The client would need these completed at certain dates to meet production deadlines to have everything ready in time for the show, which was in four months time.
The Austin Community College Fashion Design department hosted its 3rd annual spring Fashion design Showcase. It showcased original works designed and created by the departments’ graduating class of 2024. For the previous two years, the show has featured a unique theme to set the tone of the event. This year, the shows’ theme was “Reverie”, meaning to be in a daydream state or lost in ones’ thoughts.

Ideation and Inspiration
Before we could get any designs started, our team needed to set out a timeline to follow. This was a very important element for the project. As designers, we were simply creating these elements for the clients and give them working printable files, along with suggested vendors for creating the merchandise. With this in mind, the client had certain deliverables at certain times to give time for shipping. Because this project was so time sensitive, we wanted to make sure that we set out a timeline, so we didn’t miss any deadlines the client had for production. It was designed to give us set times without making us feel overwhelmed with tasks. It helped somewhat, but the unknown element of unforeseen circumstances hit at times. However each of us tried to pull our own weight and help out as much as possible.
Creative Brief
Reverie: An Ethereal Vision of Woven Dreams
The purpose of this creative work is to raise awareness around the Reverie Fashion Show hosted at ACC. We want to highlight the work of the creatives at ACC and have the show serve as a showcase for creatives. The show also helps serve as a fundraiser for the department to offer scholarships. We want to convey a sense of dreamy, euphoric imagination.
The primary audience is friends, family, and industry professionals. The secondary audience is the ACC community at large. The audience cares about event details such as time, location, cost, etc. We should convey what attire attendees should wear. Industry professionals care about the presentation of the pieces and the fashion being shown.
Our primary competition is the UT Fashion Show.
Our most persuasive idea is that our audience is going to escape into a world of unique designs from talented students. Come see the daydreams of talented students woven together into a Reverie. Take a whimsical journey through a celebration of dreams.
We will have posters, merchandise, social media posts, programs, banners, TV splash screens, website support and wayfinding signs.
We have to consider ACC brand guidelines, the students’ designs, and the theme of the show (Reverie).
We want the audience to come to the show, spread word, donate and purchase merchandise, and provide constructive feedback about the show.
We’ll know how successful our tactics have been based on ticket sales, feedback from audience surveys, donation amount, and social media presence (likes/clicks on a post).

For the mood board process, our team individually came up with three boards each and then after, we decided to come together, pick the best elements from all, then send those to the client for review.
Personal Moodboards
These were my personal mood boards I contributed to the team. I took the words “Ethereal” and “Woven” from our mission statement “An Ethereal Vision of Woven Dreams” to make up two of my boards. The last one, I thought of the definition of Reverie and it made me think of Alice in Wonderland. Because of this, I came up with the idea of an escape to a unique strange dream world.
Combined Team Moodboards
After sending the mood boards to the clinet, they gave us back this feedback for us to work on:
Mood board 1- Too modern, to harsh, color was intense not representative of the classes ideas.
Mood board 2- The favorite, needs a color palette. Every collection is represented, not a fan of the fonts, but better than #1. Too many flowers, but feels more dreamy. Would like to see a mix of 1 and 3 with new fonts.
Mood board 3- Liked the color palette. Did not like fonts, did not like “woven dreams” they likes the dreaminess, bubbles, clouds, stars, wavy, flow
Final Moodboard
This is the final mood board we as a team created, based on our creative brief, all of our combined boards, and the feedback we received from the client. We kept the images very dreamy, plenty of clouds, wavy, and soft pastel colors. We thought this have the Reverie aesthetic the most.

Typography Study
As a group, we conducted our own individual research on typefaces, in hopes to find one that worked well with the theme of the show. Each of us either researching pre-made typefaces or creating our own. Once we had our own ideas, we brought them together and picked out the best ones to send to the client. The three in the middle were my contributions. I wanted a cursive script typeface. I altered them slightly to give the “R” more of a tail. I also added my own second element to give the type some more of an interesting characteristic.
The problem we encountered with this was that our client misunderstood what we were sending. We sent them typefaces, but they thought they were getting logo designs. With this in mind, we decided instead of sending them more typefaces, we would just skip this step and send them logo designs.

Logo Design
Team Designs
Personal Designs
These were the logo designs I contributed. For the first set in black/white, I was inspired by an idea I had involving a dream catcher. I thought of the idea of a dream catcher is to capture dreams. My thought was to capture the designers’ dreams, those being their designs.
As for the color designs, I thought this sketchy looking affect made the logo look like it came straight from the designers sketch book. For the designs on the top, I used blue to show a dreamy-sky affect, and added a glow to the type to make it pop. The mannequin on the side is something I sketched to go with the typeface.
Final Logo Designs
Stroke on stars

T-Shirt Designs
Team Designs
Personal Design
This was the T-shirt design that I created. I wanted to show a day dream aesthetic. The client wanted flowers, that was a need. So I drew these flowers in the left side of the enclosed triangle. I made sure to draw these in a watercolor style because when I think of a daydream, I think watercolors and pastel colors. I also added stars hung by a string on the top. I did this to look like a child mobile. This, to me, felt very day dream like. Then I needed to enclose these elements in an shape. I tried circles, it didn’t look right. Then I tried square and that looked too corporate. The triangle read the best.
This was actually the design the client chose. I was very thrilled they liked my design. The next process was to clean up the file and have it print ready for the client.
Final Design
Back (Staff)
Back (Purchase)
This is the final t-shirt design. The complete design was a collaboration effort, I just designed the front. For the front design, we changed the stars to match the logo and I changed the flowers to make them look a little more clean and easy to vectorize.
The back of the shirt was done by a fellow team member. She worked with the client to get all the necessary information and they wanted two separate designs, one for the crew working and one for purchase. Ultimately, the shirt was a great success.

poster designs
Team Designs
personal Designs
These were my poster designs that I created. I had this idea of having some of the designers’ work in the poster. I wanted to take an element and incorporate it into the poster, so when they see it they can instantly have their own connection to it. I went back into the designers’ files and found their sketches. I took those, traced around them, and created these blacked out silhouettes. I wanted to do this to have that connection with the designers and to give the audience a form of mystery and draw them into the show to make them want to attend. The challenge was to design this so that there was not any form of hierarchy or favoritism. The other designers appreciated the silhouette designs and so I sent it to them to use in their own.
final Design
The final poster design was elegant and done very nicely. The pink flower petal background fit in well with the theme. It incorporated all the elements I created in the t-shirt design and expanded out to give that beautiful layout that is simple and legible. Overall, very successful design.

Digital Elements
Social Media Tiles
Social Media Tiles- Personal
These were the social media tiles I created. We ended going a different direction. It was just very busy and had too much of the flower elements being used.
Hero Images

Print Elements
Admission Tickets
Show Program
These were two elements I was heavily involved in. The ticket was done in two different styles, one for general admission and one for VIP. I used my flowers to in the background, but I lowered the opacity so the type would be visible. I also balanced the information on the left and right to keep the design even. Overall, this design worked well.
The program was designed by myself and a fellow team member. Same concept with this design as it was with the tickets. We also had to work with the person the client had in charge of body copy. The challenge here was fitting all the copy onto such a small program. The other challenge was time. In the end, we managed to get it done and to fit and it turned out very nice and was a successful design.

Merchandise Mockups
Can Cooler
Tote Bag
Sewing Kit

Overall, I feel this was a successful project. We were able to not only get all the deliverables to the client on time, she was happy with the results, and we also managed to get a few last minute items she had asked for before the show.
I was working with a small group, so there was a bit of a learning curve when it came to responsibly and duties, but half way through, once we got comfortable with each other, I think we found our groove and that allowed us to successfully get the job done. Yes, there were some challenges, but nothing we could not get over together. We were all here to help each other, so if someone wasn’t able to complete a task, someone else was able to step in. We were a team that had each others’ back.
To see this project come full circle was something I will always remember as a success and an amazing experience.